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사용자로부터 c# code를 입력받아서 business logic을 처리한다?

What is the CS-Script?

CS-Script is a CLR based scripting system which uses ECMA-compliant C# as a programming language. CS-Script currently targets Microsoft implementation of CLR (.NET1.1/2.0).  However CS-Script offers limited support for Mono and other CLR programming languages. 


CS-Script combines the power and richness of C# and FCL with the flexibility of a scripting system. CS-Script can be useful for the system and network administrators, developers and testers. For any one who needs an automation for solving variety of programming tasks such as:


analysing and adjusting system configuration

extending functionality of a software system with flexible scripting

configuring development or testing environment

automating software batch build

automating testing, and collecting test results


Virtually any type of automation on the system and application levels.


CS-Script as a development system does not compete with other C# based development systems (.NET +Visual Studio, Mono + SharpDevelop, ...). It is just a flexible alternative for the tasks which are hard (or effort consuming) to implement with non-scripting approaches.


Sample code

dynamic script = CSScript.Evaluator
@"using System;
                                     public class Script
                                         public int Sum(int a, int b)
                                             return a+b;
int result = script.Sum(1, 2);




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